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- Scoliosis Survey
- News
- Recent Wins in the Mercury-Free Dentistry Movement.
- Hallmarks of Alzheimer's Are Stimulated by This Substance.
- The First Chapter of Judas Dentistry is a Love Story.
- Case Study of Victor Gale
- EU Ban of Mercury Dental Amalgams.
- Estimated mercury vapor exposure from amalgams among American pregnant women.
- Testimonial - Hugh Gilmore.
- Mercury, Parkinson’s Disease, and Thiamine.
- FDA Opposes Use of ‘Silver’ Dental Filings for Parkinson’s Patients, Others.
- What the Amalgam Manufacturers Say.
- Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam - a Hazard to the Human Brain.
- Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvant Associated with a Metal Implant in the Mouth; Explanation was followed by Recovery.
- Scoliosis, Spinal Surgery and Metal Allergy
- Case Study Karen Fielding, Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Sue Collins Case History.
- Analysis of Carcinogenic Heavy Metals in Gallstones and its Role in Gallbladder Carcinogenesis.
- Papers by Norwegian Medical Researcher, Geir Bjørklund. .
- Silver Mercury fillings - Dr. Michael Margolis - 2010 FDA hearings.
- Student & Teacher Research Initiative for Vaccine Education.
- Dental Amalgams and the Incidence Rate of Arthritis among American Adults.
- Mercury in the Retina and Optic Nerve Following Prenatal Exposure to Mercury Vapor.
- Mercury is Present in Neurons and Oligodendrocytes in Regions of the Brain Affected by Parkinson’s Disease and co-localises with Lewy Bodies.
- Dental Amalgam and Multiple Sclerosis (MS); Summary and References.
- Annual Mercury Awareness Week Update.
- Mercury Fillings Awareness + Safe Solutions = Healthier Kiwi Families.
- Mercury Is Taken Up Selectively by Cells Involved in Joint, Bone, and Connective Tissue Disorders.
- Study reveals environmental impact of dental amalgam
- Concentration of mercury, cadmium, and lead in breast milk from Norwegian mothers: Association with dietary habits, amalgam and other factors.
- Mercury vapor volatilization from particulate generated from dental amalgam removal with a high-speed dental drill – a significant source of exposure.
- Evidence of Harm - The Hazards of Dental Mercury Amalgam Fillings.
- Systemic Effects of Metal Exposure in Clinical Practice: Protecting Patients and Optimising Outcomes.
- EU Mercury Regulation.
- Dental Fillings Linked to Pregnancy Risk.
- The Video Your Dentist Doesn't Want You to See.
- 10 Reasons to Support Mercury-Free Dentistry.
- The European Union Versus US Food and Drug Administration — One Protects Consumers; the Other Ignores Them.
- Updates on the Fight for Mercury-Free Dentistry.
- Should We All be Worried About Amalgam Fillings?
- Metal fillings 'leak mercury after scan'
- IAOMT UK Conference, June, 2018.
- Dentists Dying from Mercury Poisoning.
- Stop Amalgam in Children.
- Mercury Poisoning Makes Birds Act Homosexual.
- Toxic mercury is accumulating in the Arctic tundra, Study finds.
- Mercury Is Altering Gene Expression.
- Annual Update on the Minamata Convention on Mercury and the Banning of Amalgam in Dentistry.
- The EU Mercury Regulation.
- World Will Be Two Steps Closer To Abating Mercury Damage.
- Healing of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Case Report.
- Increased Mercury Emissions from Modern Dental Amalgams.
- Victory! European Union Bans Amalgam Fillings for Children and Pregnant or Nursing Women.
- Civil Society Calls on EU Decision Makers to Phase Out Dental Amalgam.
- A woman in her thirties with cough, tremor, agitation and visual disturbances. Case Study of Tordis Klausen.
- Counselling Changes Lives.....
- Research links inorganic mercury exposure to damaged cell processes
- Dental assistant wins Supreme Court case.
- Toxic chemicals found in beached whales in Fife.
- Pregnant? For Your Baby's Health, Eat Fish, But Make Sure It's High in Omega-3 and Low in Mercury.
- Are Toxic Heavy Metals Ruining Your Life?
- A Comprehensive Review of the Toxic Effects of Mercury in Dental Amalgam Fillings on the Environment and Human Health.
- Post Vaccination Autoimmunity Case-Study.
- Extracting gold with mercury exacts a lethal toll.
- Stop FDA from Using Children as Guinea Pigs for Mercury Exposure.
- Mercury-Free Dentistry Week — The Battle Continues to Make Dentistry Safe for Everyone.
- EU Vote on Dental Amalgam.
- Indonesia: Dita's World.
- Longitudinal analysis of the association between removal of dental amalgam, urine mercury and 14 self-reported health symptoms.
- Millions in compensation for mercury poisoning.
- Predicting post-vaccination autoimmunity: Who might be at risk?
- Amazing Recovery from Multiple Sclerosis - An Interview with Danelle Filby, Part 2.
- Amazing Recovery from Multiple Sclerosis - An Interview with Danelle Filby (Part 1)
- Documentary “Shots in the Dark” Delves into Catastrophic Vaccine Reactions.
- Why flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history.
- Spectrometric analysis of mercury content in 549 skin-lightening products: is mercury toxicity a hidden global health hazard?
- Mercury in the Spinal Cord After Inhalation of Mercury.
- Thimerosal-Containing Hepatitis B Vaccination and the Risk for Diagnosed Specific Delays in Development in the United States: A Case-Control Study in the Vaccine Safety Datalink.
- You can VOTE to phaseout amalgam! From now until November 14.
- Changing the course of autism: The science and intervention.
- Mercury is twice as pervasive in environment as previously thought.
- Mercury linked to neural tube defects in Chinese newborns.
- Mercury linked to neural tube defects in Chinese newborns.
- The HPV scandal in Denmark.
- Humans have tripled mercury levels in upper ocean.
- Dental assistants to receive compensation.
- Nobody Needs Mercury!
- The Health Status of Dentists Exposed to Mercury from Silver Amalgam Tooth Restorations.
- Mercury Girls.
- Give Hope to Mercury Poisoned Victims.
- Gold, mercury and the next Minamata.
- Study confirms mitochondrial deficits in children with autism.
- Mercury pollution linked to 283% increased risk of autism in children; flu shots still contain mercury.
- Irrefutable proof that influenza vaccines routinely given to pregnant women still contain mercury.
- Nigeria plans ban of mercury.
- Lessons from Minamata repeated: innocent, sick, unwanted and ignored.
- Environmental Mercury and Its Toxic Effects.
- Immediate Ban on Dental Amalgam in the Philippines Pushed.
- Mercury Exposure and Health Impacts among Individuals in the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Community.
- IAOMT Sues FDA For Failing To Address Risks Of Mercury In Fillings.
- "Vaccines: Are They Safe and Effective"
- Mercury, A Priority for Action.
- A Review of the Use of Mercury in Historic and Current Ritualistic and Spiritual Practices.
- Elemental Mercury Poisoning Presenting as Hypertension in a Young Child.
- Dental assistants to receive compensation.
- Dental assistants to receive compensation.
- Thimerosal and Autism Timeline.
- Thimerosal and Autism Timeline.
- Invitation to Press Conference Brussels about Hg dangers (European Parliament Brussels, 19th February 2014)
- Mercury concentrations in the tissues of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and striped dolphins (Stenella coeruloalba) stranded on the Croatian Adriatic coast.
- 44% of skin whitening creams in India found to contain toxic mercury.
- New Science Challenges Old Notion That Mercury Dental Amalgam is Safe.
- Mercury victims win Supreme Court case against Norwegian state.
- A Two-Phase Study Evaluating the Relationship Between Thimerosal-Containing Vaccine Administration and the Risk for an Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis in the United States.
- Aluminium Granuloma After Administration of HPV Vaccine.
- Allergological and Toxicological Aspects in a Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Cohort.
- Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines.
- Nations Adopt Landmark Mercury Pollution Convention.
- Nations Adopt Landmark Mercury Pollution Convention.
- Campaign for Mercury-free Dentistry.
- With the ADA’s Power Over Amalgam Collapsing, We Celebrate Mercury-Free Dentistry Week.
- Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry Celebrates Enormous Successes.
- Managing the Phase-Down of Amalgam: Part II. Implications for Practising Arrangements and Lessons From Norway.
- Vaccine Side Effects.
- Victories and Setbacks in the Fight to End Use of Mercury Fillings in Dentistry.
- Green eating! The Health-Revolution in Your Mouth.
- Amalgam, Superpoisons and Nanotechnology.
- Sign Petition to Amalgam Maker Dentsply
- Steel Standing Book.
- Changing the Course of Autism; The Science and Intervention. Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. 12 and 13 June, 2013.
- Changing the Course of Autism; The Science and the Intervention. 12 and 13 June, 2013.
- Changing the Course of Autism; The Science and Intervention. 12 and 13 June, 2013.
- Changing the Course of Autism; The Science and Intervention. Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 12 and 13 June, 2013.
- The American Dental Association Doesn't Want You to See This!
- “Nobody needs mercury!” Animated Info Video.
- Mercury Exposure in Young Adulthood and Incidence of Diabetes Later in Life.
- Evidence of Parallels Between Mercury Intoxication and the Brain Pathology in Autism.
- New UN Treaty on Mercury Requires Countries to Phase Down Dental Amalgam.
- Scientific Dental Academy to Aid U.N. Global Phase-Down Of Mercury Fillings.
- Mercury Pollution and Prenatal Exposure.
- Dental Mercury's Toxic Journey Into the Environment.
- Dental Mercury's Toxic Journey Into the Environment.
- Global Mercury Pollution in Oceans Top Layer Doubled Last Century, Says U.N. Environment Agency.
- Global Mercury Pollution in Oceans Top Layer Doubled Last Century, Says U.N. Environment Agency.
- Toxic Mercury, Accumulating in the Arctic, Springs from a Hidden Source.
- Analysis Finds Flu Vaccine Efficacy Lacking, as Flu Vaccines are Suspended Across Europe and Canada.
- Caveman Craves.
- Prenatal Mercury Exposure Linked to ADHD
- You Put What In My Mouth ?
- Mercury in Dental Amalgam and Resin - Based Alternatives: A Comparative Health Risk Evaluation.
- Mercury, Insulin Resistance and Impaired Beta-Cell Function.
- How to Find a Biological Dentist that Can Treat You Holistically.
- How to Find a Biological Dentist that Can Treat You Holistically.
- Heavy Metal Toxicity Raises Your Risk of Electromagnetic Sensitivity.
- Is Dentistry Finally Entering the 21st Century?
- A Known Danger Since 1845: Isn't it Time It was Eliminated?
- European Commission Report Recommends Phasing Out Dental Amalgam.
- Sykes Addresses UN at INC4 : Mercury In Medicine
- Real Cost of Mercury Fillings Revealed in New Study.
- Attacks Your Brain Like a Piranha - A New Way to Stop This Primitive, 19th Century Toxin, by Dr Mercola.
- International "Crime Against Humanity" Filed at the Hague.
- Impact of Occupational Exposure to Elemental Mercury on Some Antioxidative Enzymes Among Dental Staff by Aisha Mohamed Samir.
- Sykes Addresses UN at INC4: Mercury in Medicine.
- Scandal Strikes Again at the Casa Pia - The Dental Mercury Experiment.
- Landmark Victory for Norwegian Dental Nurse, Tordis Klausen.
- 'Novelties and Controversies in Allergy and Hypersensitivity' - Joint Summer Meeting in Memory of the Late Dr David Freed.
- State Department Considers Global Impact of Toxic Dental Mercury on Health and the Environment.
- Mercury Injury Recognised as an Occupational Disease, by Trygve Bergsland.
- Study on the Potential for Reducing Mercury Pollution from Dental Amalgam and Batteries.
- The Hidden Trigger to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's That 75% of People Carry.
- Michigan scientists support federal rules limiting mercury emissions.
- Swine Flu Vaccine 'Linked to' Sleeping Disorder.
- Beware the Fog.
- Mercury Exposure Linked to Ramp up of Thyroid Antibody.
- The London Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation, presents 'A Festival for Traditional Nutrition.'
- Arnica - UK Parents' Support Network.
- A Tale of Autism, Mercury Poisoning and Recovery, by Yvonne Hershey.
- Did Mercury Poisoning Cause Earth's Greatest Extinction?
- Mercury’s Harmful Reach Has Grown, Study Suggests.
- Never Do This with Your Teeth - No Matter How "Safe" They Say It Is, by Dr Mercola.
- Toxic Enough to Require Haz-Mat Transport.....Yet Safe for You and Your Children? Dr Mercola.
- Mercury Intoxication and Arterial Hypertension: Report of Two Patients and Review of the Literature, Alfonso D. Torres, Ashok N. Rai and Melissa L. Hardiek.
- UK Government Petition to Ban the Use of Mercury in Dental Fillings.
- Breast Cancer Fund.
- We Keep Amalgam on Track at Treaty Negotiations in Nairobi by Charlie Brown.
- The Hidden Risks in This Heavily Promoted Seasonal Routine by Dr Mercola.
- U. S. Government Takes Controversial Stand on Silver Amalgam Dental Fillings.
- Yukon Delivers a Plug of Mercury in Response to a Changing Climate.
- Dental Breakthrough - May Save Thousands of Lives, by Dr Mercola.
- Scandal Exposed in Major Study of Autism and Mercury
- The World Health Organization Urges “Switch” Away from Amalgam, by Charlie Brown.
- Another City Calls For the End of Amalgam, by Charlie Brown.
- Just 1 Single Drop of This Would Poison a Lake Enough to Ban Fishing on It... by Dr Mercola.
- FDA Agrees to Amalgam Announcement This Year by Charlie Brown, Attorney.
- Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth by Tom McGuire, DDS
- Neurotoxic Effects of Mercury in Norwegian Dental Nurses Presented to FDA in 2006.
- Are You Being Tricked Into Having this Neurotoxin Placed Next to Your Brain? by Dr Mercola.
- The Surprising 32-Year Scandal That's Kept This Toxic Substance in Your Head by Dr Mercola.
- This Procedure Ruins Your Body's Ability to Detoxify Itself by Dr Mercola.
- Why this Should Be Banned: Huge Contaminant in Water, Air and Dr Mercola.
- Don't Let Dentists Badger You with This Outdated Practice. by Dr Mercola.
- Banned for Pets and Farm Animals, but Okay for You and Your Children? by Dr Mercola.
- Still Carrying Around This Potent Neurotoxin Next to Your Brain? by Dr Mercola.
- Toxic Metals Found in Pandemrix Swine Flu Vaccine by Swedish Doctor.
- Role of Mercury Toxicity in Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke. Mark C. Houston, MD, MS
- Dr Blaylock Vaccines and Autism.
- Global Mercury Treaty May Include Ban on Mercury in Medicine.
- Global Mercury Treaty May Include Ban on Mercury in Medicine.
- Ancestry of Pink Disease (Infantile Acrodynia) Identified as a Risk Factor for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Kerrie Shandley & David W. Austin.
- 'To the Deans of Dentistry' An open letter from Robert Gammal BDS.
- "Open Video Letter to the Deans and Professors of Dentistry” by Robert Gammal, BDS.
- The Council of Europe Calls for “Restricting or Prohibiting the Use of Amalgams” by Charlie Brown.
- Is Canada's Negligence Putting its Citizens - And the U.S. - At Risk? by Dr Mercola.
- CytoGenex - New Immunodiagnostic Research Laboratory opens in Hull, North Humberside.
- Floridians Insist That FDA Act Now on Amalgam by Charlie Brown.
- Infant Mortality Rates Regressed Against Number of Vaccine Doses Routinely Given: Is There a Biochemical or Synergistic Toxicity? Neil Z Miller and Gary S Goldman.
- Interactive Effects of Maternal and Dietary Mercury Exposure Have Latent and Lethal Consequences for Amphibian Larvae.
- Angelique Welch - Former American Dental Assistant - Part 1.
- Angelique Welch - Former American Dental Assistant - Part 2.
- Vaccine-Autism Researcher Indicted for Fraud by Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD),
- U.S. Government Calls For the Phase-Out of Amalgam! Charlie Brown.
- United Nations Urged to Ban Mercury In Vaccines. CoMeD.
- Mercury-Containing Medicines: Harmful to Children - Dr Mercola.
- New Study Verifies Mercury In Flu Shots Is Toxic.
- Breast Cancer Study, Professor Vera Stejskal.
- RFK, Jr.: Science Shows That Autism – Mercury Link Exists.
- Researchers Urge the Removal of Mercury From Flu Shots, Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD)
- Behind the Smokescreen of Mercury: Amalgam Fillings and Their Toxic Vapors. By Amanda R. Just.
- Mercury-Containing Medicines: Harmful to Children. CoMeD.
- The Mercury Poisoning of our Bodies and Planet by Mark Sircus, AC, OMD.
- Vaccines and Autism – The Wrong Argument. Paul G King, PhD.
- Identifying Triggers of Inflammation in Chronic Disease: the Key to Successful Treatment, MELISA Medica Foundation, 14-16 October 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- The World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry, Makes Progress at the Mercury Treaty Negotiations, by Charlie Brown.
- CoMeD, Citing the Failure of the Department of HHS and the FDA to Comply with Vaccine Laws, Files Notice of Appeal.
- BSEM Scientific Conference - A Tablet a Day Keeps the Patient at Bay: the Health Hazards of Prevention – Vaccinations and Pharmacoprophylaxis. Friday 11 March 2011.
- The Smoking Time Bomb Sitting Next to Your Brain - Has Its Moment Finally Arrived? by Dr Mercola.
- UNEP - Mercury INC2 Chiba, Japan, January, 2011 - Reverend Lisa Sykes, CoMeD Statement.
- UNEP - Mercury INC2 Chiba, Japan, January 2011, Dr Mark Geier, CoMeD Statement.
- UNEP - Mercury INC2 Chiba, Japan, January, 2011, Lyn Redwood, Executive Director of "SafeMinds" Statement.
- Norway Proposes a Global Ban on the Use of Mercury in Products.
- CoMeD Repeats Its Call for Ban on Mercury in Vaccines.
- Proposal for National Phase Down and Phase Out, Dental Mercury Silver Amalgam Fillings, by Dr. Dave Simone, DDS.
- UNEP - Mercury INC2 Chiba, Japan, January, 2011, Statements from the EU and its Member States.
- CoMeD Calls for Ban on Mercury in Vaccines.
- CoMeD Calls for Ban on Mercury in Vaccines.
- FDA Testimony of Amanda Just, America.
- UNEP-Mercury INC2 Chiba, Japan January 24, 2011. Submitted Respectfully by Dr. Dave Simone, DDS, IAOMT.
- FDA Hearing 12-14-15-10 Dental Amalgam.
- United Nations Urged to Ban Mercury Fillings - International Delegates Meet in Japan.
- FDA Hearing Mercury 12-14&15-2010 Benjamin Zander Conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra.
- Child Flu Vaccine Contains Mercury by Lucy Johnston, Health Editor.
- Case History of Ann Arnecke, former dental nurse.
- Testimony of Karen Palmer, Former Dental Nurse, FDA Hearing, December, 2010.
- Dr. Apostolos Psychogios, MD, FACMG Medical Genetics Consultant, American Genetics Center, Cyprus.
- Dr. Apostolos Psychogios, CV, November,2010.
- Scientists Urge FDA to Stop Amalgam Use in Children, Pregnant Women and Hypersensitive - by Charlie Brown.
- The Viability of Using Non-mercury Preservatives in Vaccines. Prepared by the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD), Inc., 2010 ©
- Scientific Panel Calls FDA Miserable Failure in Protecting Children from Mercury by Dr Mercola.
- FDA’S Warnings on Mercury Fillings Insufficient to Protect Public - BAN DEMANDED - IAOMT.
- Mercury Causes Homosexuality in Male Ibises.
- Exposure to Mercury from Dental Fillings Exceeds Safe Levels– Millions at Risk Says New Report.
- Does Inorganic Mercury Play a Role in Alzheimer’s Disease? A Systematic Review and an Integrated Molecular Mechanism - Joachim Mutter, Annika Curth, Johannes Naumann, Richard Deth and Harald Walach.
- Mercury Findings in Whale and Polar Bear Brains - Danish National Environmental Research Institute.
- FDA Says You Don’t Exist; You Have Until December 3rd to Prove Them Wrong - Charlie Brown.
- Mercury Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, “The Disease Heading to Bankrupt this Nation”
- Research Shows Mercury is a Likely Cause for Alzheimer’s Disease - Joachim Mutter, MD, Germany, Richard Deth, PhD, Boston.
- Vaccines and Dental Fillings are Among the Multiple Causes of Alzheimer’s.
- The Hazardous Gas in Your Mouth: Is This the First Crack in the ADA's Corrupt Cover-up? Dr Mercola.
- New Proof that This Common Medical Treatment is Unnecessary and Ineffective by Dr Mercola.
- More Than 39 Vaccines Are Being Inoculated Into The Bodies Of Young Children In The USA by Ulla Danielsen.
- California City Says Stop Dental Amalgam Immediately - by Charlie Brown.
- Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Impaired Oxidative-Reduction Activity, Degeneration, and Death in Human Neuronal and Fetal Cells Induced by Low-Level Exposure to Thimerosal and Other Metal Compounds.
- Dagmar Magnusson, D.D.S.(Brno, Czech Republic)+30 69 48 28 94 52
- EPA to Regulate Dental Mercury by Charlie Brown.
- Vaccines, Vaccination Programs and Knowing Misrepresentations - Dr Paul G. King.
- Skin Whitening Creams Found to Contain Toxic Mercury.
- Vaccine Studies Apparently False.
- "Join the Call for Federal Investigations into the Denmark Studies Defending Mercury in Our Baby Shots!"
- The NEW Battle Strategy to Get Rid of Mercury Once and For All in Dentistry by Dr Mercola.
- Case History of G.E.B.
- Simon Wenley the Dentist (New Zealand)
- Case History of Paula Acland - Daughter of a Former Dental Nurse.
- Thank you, Servando! By Charlie Brown.
- Speak Up for the Gandhi of the Mercury-Free Dentistry Movement by Charlie Brown.
- Case History of Sue Collins, Lincolnshire.
- How You Can Help Eliminate Dental Mercury by Dr Mercola.
- Restaurant Sushi Tuna Loaded with Mercury.
- George Schuchard Research Foundation.
- With World Questioning Mercury Fillings, FDA Backs Down by Charlie Brown.
- United Nations Environmental Programme - June 7-11 - Stockholm.
- Case Study - S.Edwards.
- New Mercury Convention to be Negotiated in Sweden in 2010.
- FDA Re-Examining Risks of Fillings that Contain Mercury by Lee Howard.
- Amazingly, this Country Actually Bans the Flu Vaccine - Dr Mercola.
- Mercury Pollution from Dental Offices is Contaminating your Seafood by Michael Bender.
- "Poison Metal" - Website.
- A Daguerreotype - Photographic Process.
- European Petition - "STOP Dental Mercury!"
- 'Green' Light Bulbs Could Damage the Environment if Dumped in Landfill.
- CoMeD Files Evidence of Miscarriage after Thimerosal-containing Flu Shots.
- Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M.
- Sharfstein’s Amalgam Rule Led to Dental Association Cruelty to Children.
- Foresight - The Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care.
- History of Tordis Klausen - Presentation for the IAOMT Conference at the Royal Society of Medicine, London.
- A Prospective Study of Prenatal Mercury Exposure from Maternal Dental Amalgams and Autism Severity David A. Geier Janet K. Kern and Mark R. Geier.
- The Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD)
- ASD Centers, LLC
- Case Study of N. Stammers, England.
- Toxic Effects of Several Mercury Compounds on SH and Non SH Enzymes.
- Methodist Minister Challenges US Government Over Toxic Mercury In Vaccines.
- Sacred Spark by Rev. Lisa K. Sykes.
- Comments on the Article “The Toxicology of Mercury and Its Chemical Compounds” by Clarkson and Magos (2006)
- More are Born with Birth Defects in China Coal Belt.
- Alzheimer Disease: Mercury as Pathogenetic Factor and Apolipoprotein E as a Moderator.
- Environmental Factors and Alzheimer's Disease: Mercury Strongly Under Suspicion.
- Case History of Dudley Smith.
- Help the Boycott -- Sign onto Our Letters to Schein.
- "Diagnosis: Mercury" Website.
- Dr. Blaylock: Vaccine Dangers to Pregnant Women and Small Children.
- Swine Flu Vaccine: Know the Facts before Getting Your Shot. Dr Mercola
- FDA Bungling of Mercury Amalgam Rule Is Damaging Our President by Charlie Brown, Attorney.
- Thimerosal (mercury preservative) in Flu Vaccines.
- Testimony of Dr Andrea Brockman before the FDA Advisory Panel on Mercury Dental Fillings.
- Pivotal Study Finds: Elevated Mercury Body-Burden In Autism.
- FDA’s Own Documents Show Cascade of Wrongdoing by Charlie Brown, Attorney.
- A Hundred and Fifty Years of Misuse of Mercury and Dental Amalgam
- New Mercury Convention to be Negotiated in Sweden in 2010.
- New Study Demonstrates Significant Harm From Just One Mercury-Containing Vaccine by Dr Mercola.
- International Autism Conference.
- Do Not Let Your Child Get Flu Vaccine -- 9 Reasons Why by Dr Joseph Mercola.
- Do Not Let Your Child Get Flu Vaccine -- 9 Reasons Why by Dr Joseph Mercola.
- Warning: New Evidence Shows Mercury Present in Nearly All Fish by Dr Joseph Mercola.
- N.Y. Health Care Workers Revolt Over H1N1 Vaccine.
- Groundbreaking Primate Study Links Mercury Vaccine Preservative To Brain Injury.
- Danish MP Worries About Mercury in Swine Flu Vaccine.
- Mercury Fillings Battle Heats Up in D.C. by Dr Joseph Mercola.
- Landmark Study Finds: Thimerosal Causes Autism Brain Pathology.
- Federal Judge Considers Protecting Pregnant Women.
- Human Mercury Exposure Increasing by D.R. Laks
- FDA's Mercury Ruling Defies All Scientific Reasoning - by Dr Joseph Mercola.
- With Schein Conflict of Interest and Mercury Amalgam Rule,Commissioner Hamburg Continues Culture of Corruption at FDA.
- Congressman Dan Burton - Autism.
- Join us for Grassroots Campaign to Fight FDA Mercury Amalgam Rule - by Charlie Brown.
- IAOMT Press Release - FDA Classification of Amalgam - "A Shocking Decision"
- IAOMT Scientific Advisory Board - Position Paper on Dental Amalgam.
- Press Release - FDA Classification of Amalgam.
- The Dangers of Mercury in the Flu Vaccine.
- Summer is Here and the Mercury is Rising ... Literally.
- A Prospective Study of Prenatal Mercury Exposure from Maternal Dental Amalgams and Autism Severity.
- Case History of Andrea - Former Dental Assistant - Denmark.
- The Nigel Thomas Petition.
- Case History of Linda Brocato, Diagnosed with MS, America.
- Multiple Sclerosis from Mercury Silver Fillings - Linda Brocato.
- 'The FDA Protects Your Pets from Mercury But Not You -- Until Now' by Charlie Brown, JD
- Case History of H.P - Watford.
- Melisa Scoliosis Questionnaire.
- Your Tuna is getting more toxic.
- Your Tuna Is Getting More Toxic.
- 'Green' Lightbulbs Poison Workers.
- The Swedish Association of Dental Mercury Patients.
- Health Hazard Mercury for Children in Gold Mining Areas.
- "Quecksilber" - The Strange Story of Dental Amalgam by Robert Gammal.
- US Calls for Treaty on Mercury Reduction.
- Understanding Scoliosis.
- Amalgam Dental Fillings and Hearing Loss. Authors: Janet A. Rothwell and Paul J. Boyd.
- Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)
- Dangers of Low Energy Light Bulbs.
- Case History of JN - Leeds West Yorkshire.
- Environment Ministers to Tackle Mercury Pollution.
- ITV 'Tonight' - 'What's in Your Mouth' Programme.
- 'What's in Your Mouth' - Monday 16th February, 2009 - contact information.
- The Menace of Mercury to Community Health by Dr Alan R. Hibberd.
- Treating Autism 2nd International Biomedical Conference and Exhibition.
- Smoking Teeth - Poison Gas
- The Relationship of the Toxic Effects of Mercury to Exacerbation of the Medical Condition Classified as Alzheimer’s Disease’.
- Family Nutrition Clinic - Maria Griffiths, Registered Nutritional Therapist.
- Mercury Release from Dental Amalgam Restorations after Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Following Mobile Phone Use.
- 'What's in Your Mouth' - a programme questioning the safety of mercury/amalgam fillings. ITV 'Tonight' at 8.00 pm on Monday 16th February 2009.
- Case Study of Hanne Koplev - Veterinarian, Denmark. Diagnosed with Parkinson´s Disease.
- Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury.
- Government Bans all Use of Mercury in Sweden.
- How to Clean up a Small Mercury Spill.
- How to Clean up a Small Mercury Spill.
- End Era of Mercury Fillings by Charles G. Brown.
- FDA Warns of Amalgam Hazard by Leo Cashman, 'DAMS'.
- Vaccine Awareness Network.
- The Effect of Mercury on the Brain and General Health by Professor Vera Stejskal.
- Increased Levels of Transition Metals in Breast Cancer Tissue.
- LTT-MELISA® is clinically relevant for detecting and monitoring metal sensitivity.
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Metal-Induced Side-Effects.
- Congress Passes Obama, Murkowski, Allen Bill to Ban Dangerous Mercury Exports.
- "EU to ban mercury exports by 2011" - Health citied as reason.
- Environment: Commission welcomes adoption of legislation to ban EU mercury exports.
- Biblical Text-Writing May Have Poisoned Monks.
- Vaccine Insanity: Doctors Push Vaccines During 8th Month of Pregnancy.
- Case History of B.E.
- Seafood Mercury Warning.
- The Beautiful Truth ( excerpts )
- Case History of Karen Burns - Former Dental Assistant - America.
- Case History of Kathy Prior, America.
- Mercury Fillings ARE Dangerous Say Regulators - but British Health Bosses Still Refuse to Take Action.
- Mercury Link to Dolphin Deaths.
- US Issues Health Warning over Mercury Fillings.
- International Ban on Mercury in Dental Amalgam.
- Health & Environment Alliance (formerly EEN)
- Mercury Link to Dolphin Deaths.
- Neurological Symptoms Among Dental Assistants: a Cross-Sectional Study.
- Massive Press Coverage for FDA Website Changes - Kennedy Straightens Them Out.
- Vaccines, Mercury, and Autism – Is There a Link?
- Dental Groups Call on Standards Board to Protect Workers from Mercury.
- Petition to California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board.
- Case History of S.M. Former Dental Nurse - England..
- Radio New Zealand - Interview with Charlie Brown, Attorney for Consumers for Dental Choice and Michael Bender, Director of 'The Mercury Policy Project'.
- Autism Risk Linked To Distance From Power Plants, Other Mercury-releasing Sources.
- More Vaccine-Autism Link Cases Heard By US Court.
- Mercury and Compounds Fact Sheet.
- Mercury In River Moves Into Terrestrial Food Chain Through Spiders Fed To Baby Birds.
- Mercury Fillings Shattered! FDA, ADA Conspiracy to Poison Children with Toxic Mercury Fillings Exposed in Groundbreaking Lawsuit
- Mercury Teeth Fillings May Harm Some: U.S. FDA
- We Win -- FDA Must Classify Mercury Fillings.
- Mercury Dental Fillings: What You Need to Know.
- Leading Dr.: Vaccines-Autism Worth Study.
- Philadelphia - First City in Nation - to Pass a Law Requiring Informed Consent Before Dentists Use Mercury Amalgam.
- 'What is Mercury'? NRK-TV Programme from Norway.
- United Methodist Church Oppose the Use of Mercury in Medicine.
- 'No Mercury Fillings for MY Grandchildren'!
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from Dr David Kennedy.
- Exposure to Elemental Mercury and Cognitive Symptoms in Dental Personnel,by Bjørn Hilt, Kristin Svendsen, Inger Melø.
- Silver Dental Fillings (Dental Amalgam) Contain MERCURY by Servando Pérez Domínguez.
- Material Safety Data Sheet - Mercury.
- Letter from Professor Jan Skramstad - Oslo University.
- Methylmercury in Blood of Dentists.
- Dental Groups Call on Standards Board to Protect Workers from Mercury.
- The Interplay of Glutathione Related Processes in Antioxidant Defence.
- Article on the SCENIHR Report by Sepp Hasslberger.
- The Mercury Connection to Neurological Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
- Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy as Cause of Developmental Delays, Reduced IQs, and Autism- The Mercury and Toxic Metal Connection.
- Thirmerosal Neurotoxicity is Associated with Glutathione Depletion: Protection with Glutathione Precursors.
- The Melisa Foundation - Metals and Disease.
- Dental Offices Contribute to Methylmercury Burden.
- Commission of the Classification and Labelling of Dangerous Substances.
- Mercury Accumulation in Placenta and Foetal Membranes. A Study of Dental Workers and Their Babies.
- Sign This Protest Against the EU Report by SCENIHR.
- Petition to California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from Dr Joachim Mutter, Germany.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from Jaro Pleva, PhD.
- EU Citizens Behind a Political Claim.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from Poul Moller, Chemical Engineer.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from the Danish Society for Orthomolecular Medicine.
- The Chemistry and Physiological Action of Mercury as Used in Amalgam Fillings.By E.S. Talbot (1882)
- BBC Panorama 'Poison in the Mouth' - (1994)
- "Mercurial Necrosis Resulting from Amalgam Fillings". (July 1899)
- The Vaccine-Autism Connection by Dr. Rashid Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM.
- The Melisa Medica Foundation.
- Mercury Hazards in Dental Surgeries. 1964.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from Dr Graeme Munro-Hall, President of the IAOMT for Europe.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from the Swedish Chemicals Agency(KEMI)
- Mercury and My Experience of it by Ann Barnett.
- Robert Gammal's Website.
- U.S. Government Concedes Vaccines Cause Autism.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from former Norwegian dental nurse Tordis Klausen.
- Government Concedes Vaccine-autism Case in Federal Court.
- A Case Control Study of Mercury Burden in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
- Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam. Jaro Pleva PhD.
- New Philadelphia “Fact Sheet” Law Presents Opportunity and Challenge.
- Are Promoters of Dental Amalgam Poisoned by Mercury? Jaro Pleva Ph.D.
- A Dental Assistant Died from Mercury Poisoning.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from Dr David Kennedy.
- We Kneaded Mercury with our Bare Hands.
- We Kneaded Mercury with our Bare Hands.
- 'Opinion of a Dentist' by Dr David Kennedy.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from Dr David Kennedy.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from Professor Mats Hanson.
- SCENIHR Public Consultation on Dental Amalgam.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from the IVAA.
- Response to the SCENIHR Report from Professor Vera Stejskal.
- Uptake of Inorganic Mercury by the Human Brain.
- Dental Personnel and the 'Right to Know'.
- Chronic Neurobehavioural Effects of Elemental Mercury in Dentists.
- Tox Town - Mercury - Toxic Chemicals and Environmental Health Risks Where you Live and Work.
- Case History of Adrienne Obbard, England.
- Case History of Karen Palmer, America.
- Reproductive Hazards in the Working Environment. Professor,Helena Taskinen et al , Helsinki, Finland
- Women in Dental Surgeries: Reproductive Hazards in Occupational Exposure to Metallic Mercury Radzislaw Sikorski.
- Book List.
- Petition to Prime Minister - Deadline19/02/08
- To be able to read pdf-files you need the free software Adobe Reader.
- We Sue Top Brass for Defying Federal Law by Charles Brown Attorney, USA.
- Dental Assistants Poisoned with Amalgam
- Mercury in Dentistry Bill - Philadelphia
- The Effect of Mercury on Health - BMJ Articles by Dr Ellen Grant
- ADA's Nightmare - Norway Ban Gains Media Attention
- Low Energy Bulb Disposal Warning
- Danish Amalgam Ban
- 'Looking for the Silver Lining'
- Case History of Mercury Intoxication Alfred Stock 1926
- Dental Slide Show by Robert Gammal
- Measurement of Hand Tremor Induced by Industrial Exposure to Metallic Mercury.
- EU Ban on Mercury Amalgams
- Conclusion of Medical Report- Tordis Klausen 2007
- MRI Scan Report - Tordis Klausen
- Minnesota Bans Adding Mercury To Cosmetics.
- Exposure to Elemental Mercury and Cognitive Symptoms in Dental Personnel,by Bjørn Hilt, Kristin Svendsen, Inger Melø.
- EU Petition - International Ban of Mercury in Dental Amalgam
- Controlling Metallic Mercury Exposure in the Workplace - A Guide for Employers (PDF) 2004.
- Possible Foetotoxic Effects of Mercury Vapour: a Case Report by Professor Stanley Gelbier and Jane Ingram
- Africans Say NO to Mercury.
- ‘Mercury Rising’ by Jeffrey Kluger.
- US Congress Hearing on Environmental Impact of Dental Amalgam, 14th November, 2007.
- Luxembourg Appeal - International Ban on Mercury in Dental Amalgam, 10th November, 2007.
- Case Study of CB
- Preventative Dental Health Association PDHA
- Zero Mercury Global Campaign
- Halting the Child Brain Drain – why we need to tackle global mercury contamination
- World Health Organisation ‘Mercury in Health Care’ Policy
- Swedish Chemicals Agency (KEMI)
- 'The Mercury Policy Project'
- The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)
- My Story by M.R.
- Case Study of C.D. from South Yorkshire, aged 58
- Fatal Mercury Intoxication in a Dental Surgery Assistant
- 'Deadly Immunity' by Robert F. Kennedy JR
- Safety Data Sheet - Thimerosal
- Professor Boyd Haley’s video on Autism
- ‘Cryshame’
- ‘SafeMinds’ – Sensible Action for Ending Mercury-Induced Neurological Disorders.
- ‘The Informed Parent’
- Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda
- ‘JABS’ – Justice Awareness and Basic Support
- Symptoms of Mercury Toxicity
- What Mercury Poisoning does to you
- 'Effects of Amalgam Removal on Health' by Professor Mats Hanson
- Wall Street turns thumbs down to mercury fillings
- Case History of Karen Palmer - American Dental Assistant
- Share your case histories and experiences with us.
- AMALGAM MERCURY: The Effects of Retention Toxicity, Synergistic Toxicities and Genetic Susceptibility.
- A 30 Year Follow up of Residual Effects on New Zealand School Dental Nurses from Occupational Mercury Exposure
- ‘Health Effects from Dental Personnel Exposure to Mercury Vapor’, by Bernie Windham, Chemical Engineer, and President of Dams, Inc. in America
- Mercury Girls
- Mercury Children
- Teeth fillings 'make dentists ill'
- Report on Mercury Toxicity from Dental Amalgams and Thirmerosal.
- I A O M T – International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.
- 'DAMS' support group website.
- 'Consumers for Dental Choice'
- 'Mercury Poisoned' by Marie Flowers.
- The Henry Spink Foundation
- Quecksilber: the Strange Story of Dental Amalgam DVD by Robert Gammal.
- Mercury Exposure website
- F.D.A Panel Submission Mercury and Neurotoxicology
- Tuberose Natural Healing Store
- How Mercury causes Neurodegeneration - video link
- ‘Exposure to Metallic Mercury and Cognitive Effects in Dental Personnel in Central Norway’, EEB Conference Brussels, 25th May, 2007.
- ‘The Story of Tordis’ on The British Association of Dental Nurses, website.
- Dental workers file claims
- ‘Neurotoxic Effects of Mercury in Dental Nurses’ by Michael Bender, Director of the Mercury Policy Project/Tides Center America.
- Contact Us